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Self-Service Solutions

Hitcents is proud to partner with Pan-Oston for the creation of the innovative Utopia Self-Scan solution.

Self-Checkout has been gaining ground for years, offering a “do-it-yourself” machine that continues to attract customers who want to buy products faster. But the current solutions leave much to be desired.

Retail chains who want to buy or experiment with self-checkout are forced to decide between products that look similar to each other, and have a high cost of entry. This is because they require a minimum buy-in, with a “one-size-fits-all” mentality. The only shirt size you can buy is medium, and they don’t care if the size you really need is small or extra large.


The Utopia Self-Scan solution is the first to offer truly versatile customization. For the first time in the self-service industry, there is a product that can meet the needs of your business, no matter what size shirt you wear. It’s another part of the Hitcents commitment to help your business succeed and to dream it real.

The Utopia Self-Scan solution offers the following:

  • Complete and total customization, all the way from the cabinet to the user interface. Whatever you want, we can deliver.
  • Mobile Attendant Stations, for true enhancement of customer service.
  • 90-Day integration. Start getting ROI faster.
  • No impact to store front-end. A Utopia unit can slide up to an existing lane.
  • Biometrics, for attendant access and customer loyalty. Don’t worry about losing keys or cards. Just use your thumb.
  • Easy upgrades for future technology and capabilities. Just add a module instead of buying a whole new product.
  • Proactive VPN monitoring and 24/7 support. We’ll know something is wrong before you do.
    Read about our support services.
  • Patented Hybrid Transformation to allow all your lanes to be open – all the time.
  • LED customer guidance for maximum transaction efficiency. along with Pan-Oston corporation were featured in an article covering the launch of the Utopia Self-Scan. Read the article seen in many area newspapers.

Pan-Oston brings many years of experience in retail cabinetry and store front-end design, and currently manufactures checkout lanes for Wal-Mart, Target, Michaels, and many others. Hitcents designs and produces the software for Utopia Self-Scan, offering a unique, user-friendly interface to raise the self-checkout process to a whole new level.