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  Water district Web site gets a makeover
April 12, 2007


The Warren County Water District recently re-launched its Web site, four years after the site debuted.

“We serve a rapidly growing region of the state with a variety of customers and community members needing quick access to information about water and sewer services in our area,” general manager Alan Vilines said. “It was important that our Web site be revamped to provide this information while also reflecting the professionalism and expertise of our utility and staff.”

The site,, has received a total of 600 page views since the site debuted in February, according to the district's community relations coordinator, Robert Bertrand, who said pages that had the overview of the company, existing projects and rates were viewed the most.

The site has several new features, including a current events page and pages that cover topics such as rates, services, the district's history, details on the district's many system improvement projects and location information for neighboring areas.

Examples of bill calculations and water quality reports are made available on the site, along with information in Spanish.

Pages designed for teachers and students to access information and classroom activities about water use is also provided.

The site also contains resources for builders and developers, including procurement and bidding information, as well as system details for industries and others considering locating in Warren County.

“We realized more people rely on the Internet to access information,” Bertrand said. “As utilities are on the forefront of expansions in Warren County, we wanted to make sure our Web site reflected us accurately.”

The new Web site is one part of an overall initiative to improve the district's customer service, according to Vilines.

“The district is committed to assessing all our activities and efforts to ensure high quality service at affordable rates,” Vilines said. “This Web site renewal is part of that overall effort.”

To continue its efforts, the district is considering the addition of online bill pay for customers by surveying interest in the option.

“As technology changes, we want to bring our customers the features they expect while also minimizing costs to ensure affordable service,” Vilines said. “This simple, one-question survey will help assess our customers' interest.” also provides tips on water conservation, preventing frozen pipes and a stepby- step process on how to establish service.

The site was designed by Bowling-Green based, Bertrand said.

Bertrand said the district collaborated with Hitcents to design a site that would allow them to update and change time-sensitive information and know what information was being accessed the most - something the district couldn't previously do. The district will be able to analyze traffic on its site by several criteria, instead of just a general “hit counter” the Web site had before.

“The site has become a constant work in progress and it will continue to change,” Bertrand said.

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