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Utopia Self-Checkout transactions at Strack & Van Til surpass million dollars

Sales transactions from the first installations of Utopia™ self- checkout solution in the Chicago-area full-service grocery chain Strack and Van Til surpassed the million- dollar milestone in customer-scanned transactions. The installation of the Utopia™ self-service checkout solution in Strack and Van Til is progressing on schedule with six stores up and running.

Utopia™ software, developed by Hitcents, is the ideal self-checkout solution for independents. It is the only affordable self-checkout solution that is plug-and-go, simple to manage and update, works with or without POS management software, is PCI compatible, and can even be used with your existing lanes and hardware. UtopiaTM is also the only Microsoft or Linux based solution in the self-checkout category and can be up and running in just days instead of the months required for other self-checkout systems.

“I am not at all surprised by how smoothly our installations have been but am amazed at how few cashier- assisted transactions we are having with UtopiaTM compared to our Fujitsu machines,” said Henry Bykerk, Director, Information Systems of Strack & Van Til. “Our cashiers love working the self-checkout lanes as it provides them with an opportunity to really interact with customers and in some cases make the checkout process even faster.” Strack & Van Til customers have commented on the speed and ease of use with one noting “I made it through the whole self-checkout process without any help from an attendant and that’s a first.”

Utopia™ can help grocers enhance the checkout experience as well as improve customer loyalty and operating profits. “The original UtopiaTM hybrid concept was created to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of checkout lanes and their attendants. The success of our software at Strack and Van Til is proof that those goals are attainable and provide added value for grocers.” said Hitcents president Chris Mills.