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Hitcents Receives Record Breaking Recognition for Six Website Designs

Hitcents appeared in the winner's circle of the sixth annual Service Industry Advertising Awards (SIAA) with six website designs. In previous years Hitcents has received awards for four designs. This year not only has Hitcents obtained awards which normally go to tangible goods, but it has broken its own record. SIAA awards industries which demonstrate creativity and effective communication.

Jan Michael Lok, Executive Director of SIAA Awards has this to say, “Service industry continues to be a major factor in our economy, therefore the advancement of service industry advertising is at the cutting edge of the advertising industry.”

SIAA received 1,200 entries from over 250 advertising agencies and 900 services institutions. Out of the 184 gold awards, 112 silver, and 83 bronze awards distributed Hitcents received two gold, one silver, one bronze, and three merit awards.

Hitcents received two gold awards. First, in the Religious Services category for Saint Joseph Church website, ahead of Neathawk Dubuque & Packett; and also in the Utility Services category for Caveland Environmental Authority,

In the Retail Services category Hitcents received three awards. Hitcents received a silver award for Custom Tee Couture,, ahead of The Westside Bakers; a merit award for Faraj, Inc., which incidentally owns Custom Tee Couture; and another merit award for the Heath-Zenith ecommerce site,

Hitcents received two awards in the final category in which it entered, Financial Services. For Frontline Insurance,, Hitcents received the bronze award ahead of its own South Central Bank,, which received the merit award.

About the tremendous success Hitcents has enjoyed, CFO Ed Mills has this to say, “In this difficult economic time, we feel thankful that Hitcents continues to contribute to the cutting edge of the advertising industry; and that organizations like SIAA recognize our efforts.”

Hitcents received Gold Awards for St. Joseph Catholic Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky ( and Caveland Environmental Authority ( Hitcents received a Silver Award for Custom Tee Couture ( and a Bronze Award for Frontline Athletic Insurance ( Hitcents received Merit Awards for Heath-Zenith ( and South Central Bank (