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Cost Per Click



Marketing Solutions: Cost Per Click Marketing

Translation: putting your company’s money where customers’ clicks are.

CPC (Cost per Click) Marketing is basically keyword management, and the distribution of advertising funds towards different keyword groups. The Hitcents team will help you determine your best keyword strategy.

The categories of keywords are very important in determining the way your keyword budget is set. Advertising on search engines will bring up your company’s website in the “Sponsored Links” section.
  In this section of results you pay for your spot. For example, you could spend five cents and be the sixth link, ten cents and be the third link or 35 cents to be the first link. We would determine the monthly amount spent on each keyword based on your advertising budget. You will be competing with other websites for the results of these moderate keywords, so we will be sure to tailor the list and the budget to get your company the results you desire (the best bang for your buck).

The other section, Web Results are earned according to the number of people that view your website based on the search. Contrary to common belief, these results are not purchased. Broad keywords should be avoided; in essence they are a waste of money. Some search engines will even disable the keywords with an extremely low Click Through Rate (CTR). The opposite effect would be an extremely high CTR. Search engines place companies with an exceptionally high CTR at the top of the results page, even above the web results. The CTR is determined by the number of people that click through to your website from the results page of the search engine and is measured against the number of people that see your website listed in the results page. An example of CTR is listed below:
  100 Click Throughs / 1,000 Impressions (search views) = 10% CTR  

Most keywords are not popular enough to generate an exceptionally high CTR. The majority of the time, your link will be under the sponsored links section on the right hand column of the page.  


Keywords are a central part of your online advertising, and the Hitcents team will assure your keyword strategy coalesces with your goals. There are three types of keywords: broad, moderate, and specific. Here’s an easy illustration of these categories:
  Category: Broad
Keyword Searched: Cheese
Results: The search could be for cheese hats, cheese heads, cheese brands, cheese crackers, cheese connoisseurs, anything is possible.
Value: If your company sells gourmet cheeses, this keyword would not stay active due to the low number of clicks. Search engines would turn off this inactive word.

Category: Moderate
Keyword Searched: Greek T-Shirts
Results: A Hitcents client, who sells Greek T-Shirts, has had a great return on this word. It is broad enough to apply to many parts of their business, but specific enough to sell a certain product. Moderate keywords should describe what you are selling. These words are the best way to sell your product online, especially to first-time customers.
Value: The value of moderate keywords is very high. The bulk of your CPC Marketing budget should be spent on these moderate keywords. The value of individual moderate keywords will be monitored by Hitcents and tailored to give your company the best value for the money spent.

Category: Specific
Searched: Hitcents
Results: Specific keywords are usually company names and proper words. As mentioned in the SER section, your company name will always be at or near the top of these results.
Value: If your company name is unique there will not be a lot of competition for these specific keywords. This means these words are inexpensive and worth their cost.
Specific keywords are also good for individual product numbers which could appear if you sell products on your ecommerce website. Customers who are searching for a specific product or part number will see your website in the results. There is a high conversion rate on this type of search.