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Software Solutions: Intranet/Extranet

A wonderful new tool for any office is our Officelink, or “Intranet/Extranet”. An Intranet is used to connect a business internally, and this combined with an Extranet, which allows connection outside of office walls, is what makes up our system. Officelink uses a login name and password so members can be added and removed easily, and Officelink can be accessed from any computer anywhere, not just at your home location.  

The Resources center is a great place for documents like company policies, vacation leave forms or any common document needed by a large number of employees. Officelink also contains a Contacts section for all numbers and information of businesses or clients that are frequently contacted in your office. Perhaps the best features of Officelink are Personal and Global Calendars. The Personal Calendar allows members to post private dates which other members can or cannot see (doctors appointments, birthdays, etc). The Global Calendar displays all posted messages to all members. This calendar is a great tool in scheduling meetings and interviews, as well as keeping track of individual employee schedules anywhere in the world at anytime.

The Hitcents Intranet/Extranet is a perfect example of the features provided by Officelink. To truly understand the functionality and ease of the Intranet, use the link below to access our Hitcents Intranet. You can add calendar events and view members and resources as if it were your own Intranet/Extranet test website. You can use the following login and password information to use our Officelink system.